
Saturday, June 22, 2019

thermal power plant basic consepts

                                              Thermal power plant

       A Thermal  power plant converts the heat energy of coal into electrical energy. Coal is burnt in a boiler which converts water in stream . The expansion of stream in turbine produces mechanical power which drives the alternator coupled to the turbine . Thermal  power plants contribute maximum to the generation of power for any country.
       Thermal  power plants constitute 75.43% of the total installed captive and non captive power generation in India.
       In thermal  generating stations coal , oil ,natural gas etc are employed as primary sources of energy.


       It  is power generating station in which thermal energy of coal is utilized to generate electrical power, so in this plant coal is burnt to produce thermal energy by which stream is generated from water and stream is supplied to turbine. Turbine is being rotated .then generator produces 11kv in generator . (it is converted into electrical energy by alternator and turbine.)

       Selection factors thermal power plant

       1.AVAILIBILITY OF WATER:  Every thermal plant should be located in a short distance to coal miles , to get available fuel for it.

       2. TRANSPOTAION FACILITY : Every thermal plant should be connected to coal miles by road or rail.

       3.AVAILIBILITY OF WATER: Every thermal power plant should be located near the river for availability of water.

       4.DISTANCE FROM POPULATED AREA : Due to production of smokes from boiler environment is polluted and so it is placed at a distance from populated area.

Different selection factors thermal power plant

1.STREAM GENERATING PLANT: It is the main part of thermal plant in which stream is generated from water at a particular pressure and temperature. (super heated stream)
2.COAL AND ASH HANDLING PLANT:  In this plant coal is supplied to boiler after pulverization and then it is burnt after burning ash is produced which is taken out ash storage.
3.STREAM TURBINE : It is energy conversion part of thermal plant where super heated stream strikes stream turbine which is selected by amount by pressure required.
4.CONDENCING PLANT: In this part the exist stream is condensed into water and it is uses for cooling tower outside condenser.
5.WATER TREATMENT : This is the last part of thermal power plant which condensed water treated and purified and supplied to boiler by using feed water pump

Layout diagram thermal power plant


       It is the stream generator  constructed by stone or bricks of different sizes and which operates by different accessories . It is uses soft water with coal on its farness where coal is burnt to produce heat for stream generation.
            According  to generating pressure boiler is two type
                    1.Fire tube Boiler
                     2. Water tube Boiler

substation basic concepts

1.                                                                                          Substation

Indoor Substation:  A substation in which equipments are equipped  inside the substation building is called Indoor Substation. this  substation is used a voltage level 11kv,but surrounding air is contaminated metal corroding gases and fumes, conduct dust that raised a voltage up to 33kv to 66kv.

Indoor substation are two main compartments;
1.       Controlling compartment (indicating and metering)
2.       Protecting compartment (bus bar and electrical transformer)

3.       Outdoor substation:  A substation in which used to voltage level  55 kv  to 165 kv is called outdoor substation.

It divides two parts :

1.Pole Mounted Substation:  A substation which equipments are use of over head transmission line is called pole mounted substation its cost is cheapest, smallest and simple. Triple pole mechanically switch (T.P.R.O) is used for on /off purpose.4 pole is must be needed for this substation.

2.       Foundation Mounted substation:  In Foundation Mounted  Substation all the equipment area combined and the substation strung by the defense for safety purpose. The equipment required for such type of substation  heavy; must have good path for heavy transport.

2.Draw and explain the connection diagram double bus bar scheme?
·         In this scheme, Double breaker is used each ckt and each ckt is connected to both bas bar , Bus bar-1 and Busbar-2

Although in this scheme is very costly, yet it required best maintainese facility for the ckt breaker. When one ckt breaker is being opened and repaired for useful checks, the loads are automatically shifted other ckt breaker  easily.

Difference Between indoor and outdoor substation:

Outdoor Substation
Indoor Substation
1.Space required more.
1. Space required less.
2.Time required for errection less.
2. Time required for errection more
3. Future expansion easy.
3. Future Expansion Difficult.
4.Capital cost low.
4. Capital cost is High.
5.its operation difficult.
5.its operation Easyer.
6. It may be held open air in all kind of weather, may be held closed in atmosphere.


thermal power plant basic consepts

                                              Ther mal power plant •        A Thermal   power plant converts the heat energy of coal...